Affiliate marketing
More sales, traffic, and/or leads?
By means of our innovative tracking software, combined with the largest network of content publishers, you can reach a larger audience, and create more sales.
Affiliate Publishers
more sales
This is Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most pure, fair, and transparent forms of advertising.
Payment is only made between advertiser and publisher when a result has been measured, such as a sale, a lead or a click.
This way you can quickly generate a large reach, without having to incur high costs in advance, and without knowing what it actually yields.
“Affiliate marketing is marketing without risk. It can’t be more transparent and fair.”
Marion Buur, CEO Familyblend
3 million young families
Affiliate marketing is not just bringing two parties together. Years of craftsmanship have resulted in a sustainable publisher network, leading in the Netherlands. This network reaches more than 3 million families per month.
High level data software
Our software can record, and report a range of data points, including order value, number of products, product type, new or existing customers, use of a voucher code, and click-to-sale delay time. We also have a range of additional technical products, such as cross-device tracking, voucher code tracking, and commission per order. We also offer fingerprint tracking in addition to standard tracking implementation to ensure our customer never misses a sale.
Curious about how much additional turnover we can realize for you?
Success Stories
Affiliate Marketing
Content Marketing
Influencer Marketing
“Familyblend has been providing traffic, and revenue for years by deploying relevant publishers through their affiliate network satisfactory”
“Familyblend knows its target group so well that topics that are difficult to discuss are converted into successful campaigns with impact. Nice to have an editorial team that thinks along with you!”
“Familyblend always manages to bring our brands to the attention of our target group in a relevant, natural way, with creative campaigns”
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